5 Things to do NOW for Apple App Tracking Transparency API

Here are the 5 things you need to do right now to be prepared for Apple’s new App Tracking Transparency API!

5 Things to do NOW for Apple App Tracking Transparency API — API Cookery with Brenton House — API Best Practices for Digital Transformation

In the past few weeks and months, there has been a lot of the talk and controversy around Apple’s new Tracking Transparency API. The discussions center around access to the Identifier for Advertisers or the IDFA. The IDFA is an ID that allows apps and APIs to uniquely identify a user across multiple apps and websites.

The IDFA is most commonly used by advertisers such as Facebook but it is also used by some apps for fraud detection and other non-advertising purposes.

The IDFA is why you will be looking at a product on one website or app and suddenly you see an ad for the same product in a completely different app or website. This ID allows advertisers to keep track of who you are and, when combined with additional information collected across different apps, can give a very detailed profile about a user without them ever knowing.

Apple has decided to change how the API for the IDFA works. It’s not going away, but will now require apps to prompt users and ask them if it is OK to get access to the IDFA for tracking purposes.

Here are the 5 things you need to do right now as an App or API publisher to be prepared for Apple’s new App Tracking Transparency API.

1️⃣ If you want access to IDFA, you have to request it

If the user says NO, you are not going to be able to access the IDFA.

Although Apple introduced this API in 2020, they have not been actively enforcing it. But with the upcoming iOS release, Apple is requiring the permission prompt and will be working to enforce this API and their policies using automated and manual processes.

2️⃣ Need to check your APIs and SDKs

You need to thoroughly check your APIs and SDKs to ensure that you prompt users for permission if you are using the IDFA. If your app (or an 3rd party app that uses your API), tries to use the IDFA without permission, you could be banned by Apple. A good percentage of users will probably decline permission for this and that could cause problems for you or your users if it breaks functionality.

3️⃣ Need to check your 3rd Party APIs and SDKs

You may be thinking “I’m not using the IDFA so I am safe”. While this may be partially true, you may not be directly accessing the IDFA in your apps or APIs but there is a pretty good possibility that the IDFA may be being used by 3rd party SDKs or APIs that you are dependent on. You will need to do a deep look at all 3rd-party components for uses of the IDFA and that may not be an easy task, depending on the complexity and size of your mobile apps. If a third-party API or SDK is using the IDFA, you will need to contact them about an updated version of their API.

4️⃣ Look for Alternatives to IDFA

The tracking permission screen is kind of a scary prompt for users. Big Tech companies like Facebook, who are very depending on the IDFA and user information for their business, are creating explanation screens to try to soften the blow and to try convince users agree to letting Facebook track them.

Due to the fact that a lot of users are not going to approve permissions to track combined with the complexity of other privacy regulations, means that API Publishers are going to be looking for new and creative ways to be able to track users without the IDFA but that will not be an easy process.

Apple is pushing publishers to use the Apple SkAdNetwork as an alternative to using the IDFA. The problem with this is that now you would be using a system where Apple owns the entire process and thus your data is controlled by them.

5️⃣ Get ready for Google changes

Google has an equivalent ID called the Google Play Services ID for Android or GPS ADID. Be on the lookout for upcoming changes to these APIs as well, because, as rumor has it, changes to these APIs will be coming soon.

Stay informed about the Apple Tracking Transparency APIs and upcoming changes so that you and your business will not be disrupted!

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